Herbs are my love. I love them more than essential oils, because the amount of oils in them and their concentration is so perfect. Essential oils are very very concentrated herbs, that we can not find in the nature in that form. They are so potent that we have to know them well and use scarcely and be careful when using them. I am learning about herbs slowly but constantly and they keep awarding me when I use them.

If You want to have a wonderful self care ritual at home that results with feeling relaxed and better looking skin, this is for You.

Also, if You ever plan on using any kind of facial mask, then the effect would be much more visible if You do this step first. The steam opens up pores and mask can get into them and do the magic. It doesn’t matter if You only have time to do it occasionally. It is intended to do once weekly, no more than that. But even once a month has great benefits.


This is something I rarely find the time to do, but when I do, it feels great. Like I had a facial at a nice spa or something. It is especially pleasant in the winter, when it’s cold outside.



Mix equal amounts of dry chamomile flowers and dry rose petals. Try to find organic chamomile and roses that were not grown using pesticides and artificial fertilizers. If You can not find them, using only chamomile is fine. Keep in a dark place in a glass jar with a lid.


Put a handful of herbal steam  in a glass bowl or a pot and pour 2 cups of boiling water over the herbs. Lean Your face over the steam and be sure to be at least 25 cm above the water. Put a towel over Your head to form a tent. Enjoy for 5-7 minutes of steaming and wonderful scents.

After the steam, either pat Your face with a towel or apply face mask to Your open pores.

Apply moisturizer. Enjoy soft, glowing skin.



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